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Willem with PSOP44 adapter to program AM29F400BT

Добавлено: Пн янв 23, 2012 12:11 pm
Hi guys,

I recently bought a Willem programmer and PSOP44 adapter from Sivava.com. I was hoping to use it to read and write data to a AM29F400BT chip that I have, however I'm a little stuck with a few things to get this setup working. Firstly, the Willem software doesn't specifically list the AM29F400BT, so what else should I select? I'm guessing after I select the right choice, the software will show me how to select the dip switches, but any idea about the other jumpers on the board?

I did and select a chip under the 29Fxx category in the software, but when I tried to read data from the chip, it came back as all 00's and 11's I believe, that didn't look right? The chip is not blank and has been properly programmed before. I want to check whether the information I've read from it is correct before I start trying to write.

I'm using the programmer with the parallel cable and a 12v dc power supply.

Any help/guidance/pointers etc. would be great! Thanks :)

Re: Willem with PSOP44 adapter to program AM29F400BT

Добавлено: Ср янв 25, 2012 9:17 pm
Initially be sure on jumpers and dipswitch positions, part of guide available from SW frame .
Usually Sivava is providing list with jumpers settings.
What programmer version do you have (latest pcb50b or previous version) ? Guide link to Sivava page for programmer and adapter.
What SW do you apply ?
I did and select a chip under the 29Fxx category in the software
29Fx00 category usually for 16bit functionality (Flash 16bit TSOP48).
PSOP44 adapter work in 8/16 bit mode, apply chip selection Flash 8/16bit TSOP48 > Am29F400, SW 0.98d12c3. In most SW versions you can apply equal selection from 3.3V range . Selection Request adapter 3.3V> 29VF...> 29LVx00 (8/16bit)> 29LV400. Voltage for Am29F400 keep 5V.
but when I tried to read data from the chip, it came back as all 00's and 11's I believe, that didn't look right?
Always apply first command Get ID , to be sure on valid ID reply. Wrong ID -expect non reliable read result, write/erase fail.
I'm using the programmer with the parallel cable and a 12v dc power supply.

Re: Willem with PSOP44 adapter to program AM29F400BT

Добавлено: Вс янв 29, 2012 9:55 am
Thanks for your reply Ezo.

I've looked through all the jumpers; J1 & J2 are 'Normal', J3 is 'Normal', J6 & J7 are 'Normal, 12.5V' and J8 is '5V'.

Using SW 0.98d12c3, I selected the Am29F400, set dipswitches as per the software and when I click on 'Electronic ID', I get;

Manufacturer 0x 0x00 [----]
Device code 0x 0x80

That doesn't look right to me?

I assume I've got the pcb50b version, how exactly do I tell? I can't find any information on this. I don't have the power source selection jumper, I don't know if that helps at all? All I see written on the board is: '21153-H'

Thanks again! :)

Re: Willem with PSOP44 adapter to program AM29F400BT

Добавлено: Вс янв 29, 2012 11:45 am
I recently bought a Willem programmer and PSOP44 adapter from Sivava.com
Can you guide purchased item links from www.sivava.com ?
Try find equal in gallery.
I don't have the power source selection jumper, I don't know if that helps at all?
All generic pcb50 versions have power selection from USB and external source. Jumper next to DC Jack and USB usually used to select UCB or Vcc .
Does your programmer have doublejumpers pcb3<>pcb45 (pcb50) ?
That doesn't look right to me?
ID replay wrong. I recomend remove adapter and go Test H/W for all signals one by one and voltage measure on related ZIF32 pin.

Re: Willem with PSOP44 adapter to program AM29F400BT

Добавлено: Пн янв 30, 2012 8:51 pm
I can't seem to find the exact one. I bought the programmer itself off a friend who said he got it from Sivava, I'm doubting whether he did to be honest.

I know the PSOP44 adapter came from Sivava though, as I bought that myself from them directly.

Here's a picture of my programmer:- http://img864.imageshack.us/i/imagemib.jpg

I can't find an exact match on your list, but I guess it's kinda like 67 and 72 (so PCB50 possibly?)

I can't see the double jumpers you mention.

Upon testing the ZIF32 pins with a multimeter I get the following voltages:-

1 - Vpp) 12.75v
2 - A16) 0v
3 - A15) 0v
4 - A12) 0v
5 - A7) 4.86v
6 - A6) 4.86v
7 - A5) 4.86v
8 - A4) 4.86v
9 - A3) 4.86v
10 - A2) 4.86v
11 - A1) 4.86v
12 - A0) 4.86v
13 - D0) Checkbox greyed out (not selectable) - Reads 4.86v when OE (pin 24) is selected also
14 - D1) Checkbox greyed out (not selectable) - Reads 4.86v when OE (pin 24) is selected also
15 - D2) Checkbox greyed out (not selectable) - Reads 4.86v when OE (pin 24) is selected also
16 - Gnd) Checkbox greyed out (not selectable)
17 - D3) Checkbox greyed out (not selectable) - Reads 4.86v when OE (pin 24) is selected also
18 - D4) Checkbox greyed out (not selectable) - Reads 4.86v when OE (pin 24) is selected also
19 - D5) Checkbox greyed out (not selectable) - Reads 4.86v when OE (pin 24) is selected also
20 - D6) Checkbox greyed out (not selectable) - Reads 4.86v when OE (pin 24) is selected also
21 - D7) Checkbox greyed out (not selectable) - Reads 4.86v when OE (pin 24) is selected also
22 - CE) 4.29v
23 - A10) 0v
24 - OE) 4.86v
25 - A11) 0v
26 - A9) 0v
27 - A8) 0v
28 - A13) 0v
29 - A14) 0v
30 - A17) 0v
31 - A18) 0v
32 - Vcc) 5.08v

I assume that's what you meant by testing each pin one at a time :) Do they look right to you?

Re: Willem with PSOP44 adapter to program AM29F400BT

Добавлено: Пн янв 30, 2012 9:50 pm
Here's a picture of my programmer:-
...I can't see the double jumpers you mention.
It is old Willem version of dual power pcb3b.
Exact copy not available in gallery, nearest version 18.
Here find a guide.
Apply SW 0.97ja.
Your Test H/W results done with latest SW group 0.98xx version, here is reason for adress A08..A18 failure. Yes, data D0..D7 available with signal OE activ.
Repeat test with 0.97ja.
Select Am29F400, change settings, place adapter with chip and check Get ID reply.
No extra cables required between adapter and programmer for 4Mb chips

Re: Willem with PSOP44 adapter to program AM29F400BT

Добавлено: Пн янв 30, 2012 10:22 pm
Wow, thank you so much Ezo - you really know your stuff!

Seems to be working fine now with what you suggested, I really appreciate your help! :D

Just out of interest - what are the advantages over the later board versions (i.e. pcb4.5 and pcb5.0 over the pcb3b I have)?