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problemm with willem pcb50

Добавлено: Вт янв 29, 2013 11:18 am
I have a problem with this willem programmer pcb 50 b in the sense that after I wrote some 25x chips can not program. ie can only delete (erase is done very quickly but in 1 second and only once) and can read them but can not write them. If you write it chip all the way and he starts checking i receive error. I can not write and erase.Thank you

Re: problemm with willem pcb50

Добавлено: Пт фев 01, 2013 9:56 am
hi again friend i solved my first probmlem (the winbond chips are password protected)

Re: problemm with willem pcb50

Добавлено: Пт фев 01, 2013 6:50 pm
Source bin file required.

Re: problemm with willem pcb50

Добавлено: Сб фев 02, 2013 8:43 am
i don't heave this. could you help me please with the corcet bin? ty