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Where can I get ezoflash 4.5 programer

Добавлено: Вт июл 21, 2015 4:44 am
I Mr. Ezo I do really appreciate the useful info that you place on the site that helped me a lot, now after like 3 years of use of my programmer version 4.4, i need to replace it ,because due the hard use and the poor building of my pcb skills finally died ( i mean need a new one).

But the programmer saved me many times and saved lot of working time, so because in the place i lived is so difficult to get stuff to make a decent pcb i ask info about where or how to get the new ezoflash 4.5 version or at least the pcb in order to build another again due double side pcb which i'm unable to make.

I can used parts from old programmer or even get them from second hand or spare parts or whatever it takes to get them but what is so difficult to me is to get a decent pcb .

I hope you can help me with that issue.

Many tnx .